Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) suggests that if the U.S. could boost its average PISA scores by 25 points over the next 20 years, it could lead to a gain of $41 trillion for the U.S. economy over the lifetime of the generation born in 2010.

The ContinuTech Edu Platform is a behavioral science-driven SIS (student information system) technology and data lake. The Edu platform empowers entire education communities, by inviting all involved to take part in decision making. The technology pinpoints critical variables which make or breaks a system, such as human behavior.

Pinpoint and target your department's unique needs from the inside out, with a centralized data source. Track cause and effect in each silo, see how each department and individual affects the education ecosystem, Get the full picture. Is your school truly aligning funding to your priorities, do you have the wrong priorities? Clarify your ROI and accountability for financial stability.

Modernize and depoliticize your education ecosystem by creating data-backed approaches and policies. Whether used as a teacher’s tool to monitor student development, an administrator’s way of tracking funding, or a student’s place to visualize their behavior, the Edu Platform is where you find a single view of your school. Each user (administrators, teachers, parents, and students) has access to their data and impact. Securely and quickly, setup, and customize your Edu Platform. ContinuTech supports every step of the transition from your old systems.